From Ground to plate

Group Neuzekes:

Manon Moulin (AHS)
Johanna Nyberg Hamrén (LiU)
Eileen Weber (HdM)
Kyle Weir (UWS)

The Heuvelland Food Story

How to make people get into contact with the Haute Cuisine of Heuvelland?
The different stages in our reflection process: tasting the food, defining the specific characteristics and considering how to bring this story.

After a lot of product research, these are the emotions that arise when considering food typical of the Heuvelland region: tradition, quality, enjoying, heritage. Are these emotions the right ones? What about the image that we want to get rid of?
We scrutinized the emotions, our main question being: ‘What is it that differentiates the Heuvelland cuisine?

‘From in the Ground to up into your Plate ' indeed tells the story from beginning to end.
You can explore the production process, but you can also discover tasty recipes.
The farmer or producer tells his story through the media used.

Harmony between the Heuvelland products and the modern world originate, though without losing their individuality.
We make the good and natural products speak for themselves through strong pictures.
The rustic charm gains a sophisticated 'look and feel'.

Producers speak through portraits and their accompanying stories.

In order to get this Heuvelland experience to the consumer we came up with 3 different prototypes of products.

  1. A Heuvelland food websites, which brings the interactive experience to internet users and potential tourists worldwide. Applications of this website are the sharing of recipes, a database with extensive documentation about the food ingredients, where to persue them , and where they are made: a well-documented website with interactive and social applications.
  2. A food box, which brings a selected choice of food products to the costumer. The additional value of this box to just buying a random product is buying the whole story of the product, and bringing it home.
  3. A folder well documents the food through a more traditional medium. This folder could be added to the box, as well as being available seperately.
Enjoy your meal!