Petra Dryselius (LiU)
David Farmer (UWS)
Stefan Gutmann (HdM)
Frederick Roegiers (AHS)
Katrin Schlierkamp (HdM)
You`ll never walk alone
A travellers community to share experiences with new technology
The project was about creating a web-based media product to improve the tourism and regional development. Our problem was that tourist information normally is in different places. There is a lot of information in brochures, travel guides or online via different websites but it is hard to find the information that you really want.. Our solution to this is a website and an app which will store all this information and give the traveller the information he wants in one portable package. The target audience are students with an interest in travelling, social networking and using new technology.
The name of our project is Trex, put together by the two words; travelling and experience.
The platform consists of two parts. The first part is the website. Travellers can register and create their own profile. At the website they can look for inspiration and information for their next trip and they can download an app, which is the second part of Trex. Travellers can choose what information they want in their app such as food and beverages, historical places, events and so on. When using the app, GPS is localizing every traveller. Travellers can see facts about interesting places while walking around. The core of Trex is the recommendations of all travellers. Travellers can leave comments, pictures or videos, wherever they are and all other travellers can see them. It is also possible to have a look at the traveller posts via the Trex website. Trex is a social platform for travelling students who wants to get an extra experience from their trips.
The highlight of using Trex is the combination of GPS and Augmented Reality. In the future we think Augmented Reality will became very popular thats why we would like to add this feature from the start, even though the technology will be better in the future. We want our users to have a positive and personal feeling when using this product and of course we also want them to have fun!