
Group Otterön:

Jessica Bergs (HdM)
Jo Helmel (HdM)
Sandra Carlstrom (LiU)
Annelies Timmermans (AHS)
Victoria Cassidy (UWS)

Team Otterön have created a prototype website addressing ecological issues and sustainable futures. The groups aim was to find a format which could break down the vast amount of information, suggestions and finger pointing involved in ecological issue by simplifying them into direct tips and information with clearly defined and easy to implement results.

Taking onboard the many issues involved in ecological campaigning, more specifically when targeted at students, the team quickly decided that the student audience could include any age, background, interest etc and so needed to find a common element to focus the campaign on. This element was finances; most students have one thing in common, low-no income and little spare time. Because of this the website aimed to make it as simple as possible for them to access in their spare time as well as providing incentives which can benefit them in everyday life financially.

Therefore, our goal is to raise awareness of ecological issues in a simple, interesting and interactive ways which even a no income student could benefit from on a personal level, environmental benefits become a great extra.
As regards the backend-organization of the website, the idea was that the group, the providers of the site, would be a private, independent non-profit organization, funded through donations, fund raising and sponsorship, which would moderate and monitor the website as it grows.

Our platform is based on the interactivity of people interested in ecological and sustainable information to either help others or find out more themselves.

This website was meant to start in Sweden but work as a beginning point for what could be a global platform. Sweden is considered very ecological and so is a good place to start. The website is designed to be easy to grow and is very flexible, working in the method that Facebook did, starting in a local campus and spreading through the university and then the country and then the rest of the world. Testing and changing and adapting as it goes on.