Secret Sweden

Group Hållö:

David Gozzi (LiU)
Bettina Horn (HdM)
Anne McVitie (UWS)
Lena Tippel (HdM)
Lie Versnaeyen (AHS)

Our group's brief was on tourism and regional development, we decided on the project Secret Sweden as a way of drawing tourists into the Bohsulän region. The concept originated from Swede's taking their holidays here and the rest of Europe not being aware of this beautiful area.

Further development of the concept produced the idea of eco-travelling within the area and in particular for our target group of adventurous students. We started with the student target group but very quickly became aware that the concept could apply to all ages and abilities. The Secret Sweden concept promotes eco-travelling in the Bohuslän area through adventure holidays with secret treasure trails.

The Secret Sweden trails have three starting/ending points in the Bohuslän area, one in the north at Strömstad, one in the middle at Uddevalla and one in the south at Gothenburg. The traveller arrives at the start point and is presented with a GPS unit or app for a smart phone, co-ordinates for the first Check Point and a clue. The traveller then locates the first Check Point which is the outskirts of the city/town/village. Once they locate the Check Point they must then find the treasure map with the secrets. There are three difficulties of travel and the traveller will select the package according to thier desired difficulty. The traveller will then explore the area with the map to search out the treasures of the area. Discount points are scanned into the Secret Sweden card as the traveller checks out the secret treasures. Accommodation is booked once the next location is made known. There is a safety SOS button on the GPS and app for 24 hour support. At the end of the trail the GPS is handed back the deposit returned and the traveller receives a free t-shirt commemerating their journey.

We believe that this concept satisfies the brief and that it will promote tourism in the Bohuslän area and promote regional development and in particular eco awareness also encouraging people to visit outwith the high peak holiday period.